[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Personal Information Protection Policy
Fusion Solution Company Limited

Fusion Solution Company Limited attaches importance to privacy and protection of personal data of customers, partners, business partners. Fusion Solution Company Limited wishes to protect personal data. persons from being misused does not comply with the law, rules, regulations and will take steps to keep personal information safe in accordance with the law Therefore, this policy has been prepared as follows:

1. Definitions

“Company” means Fusion Solutions Co., Ltd. “Customer” means the purchaser or user of the Company’s services, including the use of the Website. or other Company applications or services, and includes business partners, business partners “Website” means the website www.upcontainerstore.com, a website owned or provided by the Company. “Application” means an application provided by the Company. “Data Controller” means the Company and persons appointed by the Company as the Data Controller. “Protection Officer” means an officer appointed by a Data Controller to act as a Personal Data Protection Officer in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. “Personal Data” means any information about an individual that enables that person to be identified either directly or indirectly. According to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 and the Personal Data Protection Act “Data processor” means a person who processes personal data for the Company.

2. General

This Privacy Policy is prepared to explain the details and methods of protecting and handling personal information of customers. The company may update or revise this privacy policy including as specifically set forth in any part of this website or application, either part or all from time to time. In order to comply with changing service guidelines and legal regulations, customers are therefore advised to keep up with this Privacy Policy set out.

This Privacy Policy is intended to apply to

2.1 Sale of goods or services
2.2 Registering for using the website or application
2.3 Using services or purchasing products access and use of the content, features, technology or functions contained in this website or application with the Company
2.4 Other related services Including other services of the company, both existing and that the company will develop or provide in the future

3. Methods of data collection and information collected

The company will collect personal information. By various means, including using technologies such as cookies, which are small pieces of information stored on a customer’s device that enable a website or application to remember information about accessing the website or application. or how the customer uses the website or application each time The information related to customers that the company collects consists of

3.1. Information provided by customers directly The Company is obliged to collect personal information of customers in order to provide services to customers or to perform contractual or legal obligations. It will collect information that customers send to the company such as name-surname, address, date/month/year, birth, gender, age, photograph, email, bank account number. Credit card number (if any) ID card number Taxpayer Identification Number Phone number, including information about your account, email, social network : Line or Facebook, photos, interests, work, signature and all comments that customers have shown through the website. For sensitive information The company will collect only what is necessary. Only with the express consent of the customer.
3.2. Information obtained from the use of the customer service The Company will collect information about the services that the customers use and how they use them. This includes visual and audio data. Device data the customer uses for accessing the website or application. Computer traffic data (Log) Information of communication between customers and other users. and data from the usage log website traffic statistics Time of visiting the website (Access Time) information that customers search for. Use of the functions on the website and the information the Company collects through cookies or other similar technologies. For personal data that is required by law, the customer’s consent must be obtained prior to collection. The Company will collect only what is necessary. With the consent of the customer Unless there are exceptions by law, the Company may collect without obtaining the consent of the Customer.

4. Duration of data storage

The company may collect customers’ personal information only necessary information. And to keep collecting for as long as necessary Currently, the company sets the maximum storage period of 10 years after the customer ceases to use the service or terminates the contract with the company. The company will destroy the said information.

5 . Purpose of Collection Use of personal information

5.1 The purchase of goods and the use of services are smooth and in accordance with relevant laws, rules, and regulations
5.2 For the purpose of confirming or identifying the Customer when accessing the Services and for the purpose of verifying or identifying the Customer when accessing the Services and providing services to customers
5.3 To check the customer’s use of the service according to the safety and security standards of the system in using the service Management and protection of information technology infrastructure
5.4 To contact customers via social network, telephone, text message (SMS), e-mail (E-mail) or post or through any channels to inquire or inform customers. or verify and verify information about the customer’s account. or poll or provide any other information related to the Company’s services as necessary
5.5 To process Analyze any other benefits related to the Company’s business operations.
5.6 To develop products, services and increase the efficiency of providing services to customers more
5.7 To prevent or suppress harm to life, body or health of customers including customer assets or is necessary for the performance of duties in the public interest of the Company or performing duties in exercising state powers given to the company or its employees or its representatives or in compliance with the law

6. Disclosure of personal information to third parties

The company will not disclose customers’ personal information to any person without the customer’s consent. In any case, except to disclose only as specified by law. In the event that the customer believes that the person with whom the Company discloses the personal information of the customer above or the customer’s personal information is used for purposes other than the scope of the company, the customers can notify the company for further action.

In this regard, the company will disclose personal information of customers under the regulations stipulated by law such as disclosure to government agencies Government agencies The agency responsible for governing the service or customer regulators including in the event of a lawful disclosure request, such as a request for information for prosecution or legal proceedings or is a request from a private agency or other third parties involved in legal processes.

7. Rights of Personal Data Subject

7.1 Data subjects have the right to be informed of the methods of storage procedures.
7.2 Right to request access to personal data
7.3 Right to object to the collection, use or disclosure of personal data
7.4 Right to request removal or destruction or make personal information non-personally identifiable

8. Access and update of personal information

8.1 In the event that the customer does not wish to receive information and press releases from the Company, please request it at [email protected].
8.2 In the event that the customer wishes to correct personal information suspend the use of personal information object to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information object to the processing of personal data Execute deletion of personal information from the system. Withdraw the consent previously given to the Company for the collection, use or disclosure of personal data, or there is any objection in connection with it. can be contacted at [email protected]
8.3 If the customer wishes to acknowledge the existence of Characteristics of personal data Purpose of using the personal information of customers or asking the company to disclose the acquisition of personal information, you can contact the Personal Data Protection Officer. You can get the Personal Data Protection Officer by E-mail: [email protected].
The company will consider and notify the result of consideration of the request within 30 days from the date the company receives such request. However, the company may refuse to exercise the rights of the customer under the conditions stipulated by law. If the company is unable to process the customer’s request. The company will record the rejection of the request with reasons.

9. Links to Third Party Websites, Applications, Products and Services

The Company’s website may contain links to third-party websites, products and services. These third parties may collect certain information about their use of the services by The Company cannot be held responsible for the security or privacy of any customer information collected by such third-party websites, products or services. Customers should exercise caution and review the privacy policies of those third-party websites, products and services.

10. Security measures for the storage of personal information

The company takes the security of personal information about or referring to customers very seriously. The company has appropriate security measures to prevent accidental loss of customer personal information, being used, accessed, changed or disclosed without permission. Company limited access to customer personal information for employees, agents, contractors and third parties with ‘Needs to be informed.

11. Application of Personal Information Protection Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data collected by the company. The client agrees that the company has the right to retain and take the Customer Personal Information that is currently stored by the company and to be stored in the future for use or disclosed to other parties within the scope as specified in this Privacy Policy.

12. Contact channels

The Company has assigned and appointed Ms. Kanchana Wangsuk to be a Personal Data Protection Officer. by having the powers and duties as a Personal Data Protection Officer as required by the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562
Contact Address: Fusion Solution Company Limited 77/148 Sinn Sathorn Tower, 34th Floor, Khlong Ton Sai Subdistrict, Khlong San District, Bangkok In the case of complaints about the company Employees or employees of the Company violate or fail to comply with the law. Owners of personal data can complain to regulatory authorities. according to the details as follows

Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee

Location: 7th Floor, Ratthaprasasanabhakdi Building 80th Anniversary Government Center, Chaeng Watthana Road, Thung Song Hong Subdistrict, Lak Si District, Bangkok 10210 By the resolution of the Board of Directors announced on:

The resolution of the Board of Directors announced on: 3/2/2021

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